Saturday, May 17, 2008

The dragon guy was hot. I cheated a little and traced the photos. I was strapped for time! There are six other ren fest cartoons that I need to finish that are going into the book (book 4 I think) that I have to get done along with mondays comic.... and I should dig something up for sunday.
check out other pictures of our trip to Ga. Ren Fest


Can Do Attitude said...

If you see the Aradani Boys tell them the jerky leprechaun from last year says hello.

Aerie said...

Mrooooooooow! Quite lovely.

MarsBattyAngel said...

Oooh niiiiice. Eye candy XD

I've been reading your comic for a couple of months now (finished it all, I'm so proud) and I love it!
I want to go to one of these Ren fairs, so badly *pout*

Amanda said...

I'd ride his Dragon ;) You are my heroine for saying that to him!

Anonymous said...

Hah, I know your first bellows victim there. He used to work security at the Ren Faire where I got my start (and worked at some others doing odd jobs as well).

It's amazing just how many people show up in your comic who I know. But then, I am a faire performer so I guess it's going to happen. :)

Perhaps someday, you'll get to attend some of our New England faires.

Curmudgeon said...

You won!

Did you break the sticks beating the internet, Jennie?


two bits said...

I can't wait for the Bristol Ren Faire to open! I'll be bringing men in kilts too, heh heh.

Jennie Breeden said...

Prowler, it's a small world (for us geeks anyway)

Curmudgeon, I still have to fix the title. the battle is won but the war is still...something or other.

Anonymous said...

Holy Studmuffin, he IS hoT!! Next time, bag me one will ya? =P

FannyHams said...

oh em gee thats one dragon i'd like to tame!

Laura Armstrong said...

Oooo he is pretty shiny, where ever you go there always seems to handsome men. Whats your secret?

Laura xx

Jennie Breeden said...

Everyone's cute depending on how you look at them. Geek boys are especially cute because they don't know it. Nice people are always attractive.

Anonymous said...

Well, goodness... I know that fellow quite well! He's been pushing and preening at faires across the eastern circuit for a bit now, and is quite well loved up here in NY at the Sterling Renaissance Festival ( ) :-D

Lovely to see him immortalized in my favourite web comic... :-) Merry meet!

PL said...

First of all, I have never categorised myself as a fan of anything, but your comic is usually the first thing I check whenever I get near internet.
I love the humor, and your drawing style. The poem Breath is something I can relate to on many workdays. Thank you for deciding to do webcomics!

Secondly; purrrrrr I like that dragon guy! Hot stuff.
Come to think of it, he looks a lot like the blonder and thinner version of my viking.

I wish I had the option of going to one of the Ren fairs. I guess I can convince my Viking to find one in Europe, once we move to the same country and can spare some money for other trips than to just see eachother. Good thing he's a geek too :))

Anonymous said...

He is an absolutely sweet guy! He is my favorite push monkey at my home faire (I'm the manager of the Pyllow Fyght at the faire in Sterling, NY) We have hung out and chatted on several evenings after he came over to our camp for dinner. I am glad you put in a pic of him. I thought it was him, but it was nice having the conformation. Love the strip!