Tuesday, June 24, 2008

knitting insted of inking

HappyGoth has been knitting for years. She came with me to visit my family and we went to a yarn store and my mom and I really liked this sweater that was there. The yarn lady said she wouldn't sell the sweater but she'd sell us the pattern. So Happy Goth is teaching me how to knit so that I can make my mom and I this sweeter. It's an easy pattern that's just some squares that are then sewn (or whatever) together. So I was knitting when I should have been inking. But I got a bunch of cartoons out of it.
"This is really tight."
"I'm sorry, it's my first time."

....sweeter...sweater... Logicaly, the sweet that you eat would be sweat...but logic doesn't enter into spelling.


Heather said...

don't learn how to knit.
it's dangerous and addictive.
very dangerous.

also you're going to make your mom and you a sweater? just one sweater? are you going to share it or wear it at the same time?

braveharlot said...

Ho ho! One of us, one of us!

Next, you get to use the yarn you dyed to knit your own socks!

Also, we got the package yesterday, thanks for sending the book back. :)

Anonymous said...

muahahah ... welcome to the knitting borg. Wait'll you discover ravelry

Anonymous said...

It starts with one pattern... and you think you'll never knit with small needles, or tiny, tiny yarn. You think "why would anyone knit their own handwarmers? You can buy gloves at the store." You'll think "Yarn is yarn. Who cares if it's wool or acrylic or bamboo or OMG, is that silk and cashmere?!"

You'll wonder why you hadn't heard of Knitty or Ravelry before you picked up your sticks.

Knitting is addictive and relaxing (eventually). When you first start, it will be frustrating and annoying, but it will change in a week or two. It becomes second nature, like riding a bicycle, or playing an instrument, but without the need to balance or annoy your neighbors with your special rendition of "three blind mice".

Valery Alta Murdock said...

Man, another knitter? Grrr... if you were my friend I'd have hooked you into the crochet fold. One hook is way easier than two pointy sticks! But yes, Ravelry is AWESOME. Once you make it to the top of the waiting list. ^_^ I am valeryalta on Ravelry. I can't wait to see what you make!

Unknown said...

I knit AND crochet. I live in a world of happy afghans and bits of fluff that are too small to do anything else with.

Christine said...

Allow me to join the ranks of those gloating that we are one knitter closer to taking over the world!


Oh... I was probably supposed to wait on the maniacial laughter until you were completely hooked.

Unknown said...

Ooh, STBXH's mother and aunt tried to teach me to work with yarn... you're either a VERY quick learner or Happy Goth is very patient. Have fun with it!

Melian said...

I abandon knitting for sewing with my new brand sewing machine. It's great, and much more simple... i don't really like knitting, though it's kinda useful...


Mel, the argentinian girl

Anonymous said...

I am a big fan of yours, and in chicago as well. If an extremely tall person wearing a silver snakeskin cowboy hat walks by, say hello. I really am a fan.


Alberto Cardenas said...

my mom and my sister knit too... they do great stuff but only knit scarves... and I don't like scarves!!!

It's cool to see Devil's Panties un-inked... the core is the same but with a twist...

Carrie said...

Fun with string and pointy sticks!
And you should join Ravelry. Four people saying you should join? Come on! Two is a cult, four is a movement!

Jennifer Rose said...

Speaking of knitting, I thought you'd like this...


Unknown said...

Ah, but are you brave enough to tackle spinning on a hand spindle?

Seriously, we LOVE your strip....

Stricken said...

Ravelry Ravelry Ravelry!!! I am Stricken. Find me, then refer all the LOTR knitters to my Lyric Tree sweater. I am purposely not linking it because if you get on ****ravelry**** you can find it there :D

Also: 32DD? Good god woman! share!

Also also: you must find the Lime and Violet podcast. They'll make you want to spend all your money on pretty sock yarn, not to mention you and MissViolet are long lost twins. Seriously.

Kristin said...

I'll be the fifth person to say you should check out Ravelry. Knitting is a great addiction!

Also, just started reading your comic a few days ago and had to tear through all the archives :)

Divine Bird said...

*cackles* Next year, I'm putting together a Geek Stitch & Bitch at ConnectiCon. There were WAY too many yarny folk walking around for me not to do it. Of course, I'll just HAPPEN to have a bunch of handspun and extra needles handy...bwaha.

Friended you on Ravelry, btw. :D